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What kind of Entrepreneur / Blogger are you? Do you stay down when you’re pushed?

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Hey Guys,

So, anyone following me on Facebook will know that this morning I awoke to a BIG RED Banner on my page telling me I had been unpublished.  Help!  Facebook has unpublished me!

My Page.  It took me two months to build it and now that I actually have a small following and a little traffic…ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

Why was I “Unpublished”?  I don’t know.  There’s no-one to ask.  No hints as to what was done wrong. No trial. No Jury.

I was shocked and then I was rocked as my World starting to crumble around me and my dreams of being a six-figure blogger started to evaporate.

After a quick Bullet Proof Coffee to set me up for the morning I took a step back and viewed this latest development for what it actually is.  A LEARNING OPPORTUNITY.  I haven’t failed at Facebook Marketing.  I’ve just found a way that doesn’t work and so must look for a different approach.

Obviously I must have done something to contravene the FB rules… but what?

I appealed the decision and then decided to spend my time today learning about HootSuite.   Woo! That’s one fantastic little platform.  I can’t wait to put all my streams together in one site.

I went on to do a little research and catch up with some of my favorite bloggers and I found an awesome site Krista Dickson.com and there I found THE QUIZ.

To lift my spirits a little I decided to take Krista’s Quiz –What type of Entrepreneur am I?

Guess.  You’ll never Guess!

I’m a HUSTLER! (Not in the swindle people sense of the word..of course).  I have SUPERPOWERS!

You are… The Hustler


Everyday I’m Hustling!

Your brand words are: Grit, perseverance, determination, hustle, growth, results

Your superpowers are: Your unparalleled work ethic and determination to succeed

Examples of Hustler female entrepreneurs: Sophia Amoruso & Kathrin Zenkina

Your Entrepreneurial Style

Your motto is “do whatever it takes” and you’re more than willing to work long hours to make your business a success. You never want to let yourself or other people down and you pride yourself on your exceptionable work ethic, drive, and determination.

You’re a results-focused entrepreneur, and you recognize that the work you’re putting in now will be 100% worth it in the long haul. A few years from now when you’re sitting on the beach sipping pina coladas, you know you’ll look back on these crazy-busy days and smile!

Your Business Rx.

Your current entrepreneurial style has a high level of “masculine” energy, which is strategic and action-oriented. To avoid burning yourself out, it’s crucial to achieve an equal balance of masculine energy and the more flowing, ease-filled feminine energy.

To achieve more balance, create your to-do lists based on the things you actually want to do and are excited to do, prioritizing those things above all else. Consider outsourcing the little tasks you don’t enjoy doing (but that still need to get done), so you can focus on things that are moving the needle.

Make sure to add time in your schedule for your friends, family, and self-care. There’s no point in growing a huge and profitable business if you don’t enjoy the process along the way (or if you don’t have anyone to celebrate with at the end!).

Even if that means writing your self-care activities, date nights, and social events into your business day planner, do whatever you need to do to make sure these things happen. They’ll be your saving grace when burnout and overwhelm start to creep up.

HA!     I LOVE IT!       It’s exactly me – To A T!

I’m going to take that Grit, Perseverance and Determination and Do Whatever It Takes to make a success of my new business for This Is Where My Passion Lies.

My Little blurb today is to say – Don’t let the B!@#st#@! get you down.  Blog on.  Be Free.  This too shall pass.





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