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Earning money while you sleep.

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Earning money while you sleep is actually the art of making a Passive Income.

Passive income. You’ve probably heard about it, but what is it? And why should you care?

Well, passive income is actually a very simple concept. In essence, it’s money earned without active involvement.

In other words, passive income is money earned while you sleep.

There are dozens of methods to earn passive income, and we will cover some of those today. 

Earning while you sleep is the proverbial dream (pun intended). Figure out how, here - Spendaholics Anonymous

The Key to Wealth is earning while you sleep.

First, let me explain why it’s so important.

The Power of Passive Income

In order to understand the power of passive income, you need to first understand the concept of financial independence. Quite simply, financial independence is the state in which you make enough money to be able to live relatively comfortably, without having to rely on external sources, i.e a job.

Financial freedom, or independence, represents the capacity to quit your job and retire on the spot.

Passive income is hailed as an essential tool to achieve that ultimate goal of financial independence.

Usually, It is the result of an initial investment, whether that be cash or effort, that continues to pay you well after it’s completion.

Often, substantial passive income is earned by inputting a massive amount of initial effort, generally in a business venture, by implementing systems that generate income whilst needing little or no input from you.

Sounds great doesn’t it? The often overlooked portion of passive income is the incredibly massive effort it takes to get going.

I can’t stress this enough. It takes a lot of initial effort to set these systems in motion.

It also takes ingenuity, creativity, perseverance and…. money.  Sorry about that.  this is not a get rich quick site.

The theory is: by working twice as hard today, you can work two times less tomorrow.

If you’re interested in starting your journey to financial independence and success, I highly recommend picking up Rich Dad Poor Dad. This was THE FIRST THING that got me started on the road to ditching the 9 – 5. 

Then I would say Buy my book (I want passive income too!) – My roller coaster ride from a six figure salary (and $88,000 of consumer debt) to the Poverty line and back again.  Who doesn’t want to know how that turned out??

The 3 BEST Investments for Passive Income: FIRE

F.I.R.E: Financial Independence, Retire Early.

The concept of FIRE is likely the reason so many of us seek more money. We are actually yearning to be free.

In order to achieve FIRE, it’s essential to understand that passive income is a necessity. It is essentially impossible to become financially free without passive income.

Do you see the stocks held by Warren Buffet? That’s passive income. Do you know Robert and Kim Kiyosaki hold diverse interests from book sales, public speaking, on line courses, webinars, stock, shares, bonds, physical Gold, real estate… the list just goes on and on.

Here are my first three suggestions: 

1. Dividend Stocks

This one’s a given. It’s fairly obvious that dividend stocks are commonplace among passive income earners.

What’s not to love, right?

Getting paid for doing nothing every few months (or even every month…) sounds like a great investment.

However, dividend stocks are quite nuanced. In particular, it’s important to keep in mind that dividends are subject to their own tax laws, which may be an advantage over certain other forms of income, but it’s certainly not the best.

In addition, being stocks means that they’re subject to the same market forces and trends as other stocks, therefore despite paying dividends, the actual equity in your investment will likely fluctuate.

Remember what Warren Buffet said? “You don’t invest in shares with the aim to sell them. Our favorite length of investment is forever”.

Speaking from experience, the required holdings to generate substantial dividend income is, A LOT.

We started out small with $700 invested in a junior mining Co (purchased at $0.18 / share) and $300 in Cannabis (before Legalization). Today – the mining Co is at $0.11 / share and since legalization all trading in Cannabis has been halted pending mergers. So, you see – losses and zero dividends.

This changes DAILY!

If you are going to play the Stock market seek SERIOUS QUALIFIED help and hold on tight! It’s quite a ride.

2. E-Commerce/Blogging/Affiliate Marketing

Here’s one that’s fairly recent, and still growing explosively!

E-commerce is a great way to sell your products online and advertising has never been easier. Platforms like Shopify make this exceptionally simple.

Blogging, similarly, is another option that allows for income through affiliate marketing, advertising and eventually branching into other sectors. Needless to say, WordPress is the gold standard when it comes to blogging and I always recommend Bluehost for the hosting site (because these are who I use).

It’s important to note that in order for these two businesses to be passive (and thus producing truly passive income), the regular tasks must be outsourced.

Affiliate Marketing is a veritable minefield so, read up or take a course.  Michelle Schroeder of “Making Sense of Cents” has a brilliant Understanding Affiliate Marketing Course.

i- E-Commerce

This is probably one of the most effective methods, but it’s extremely hyped… and it is essentially running an online store.

You’ve probably heard of people making massive sums of money with it and, although this may be true, don’t fall into the trap of believing that it’s easy. E-commerce is definitely a complex business to run, but, as we’ve said, services like Shopify make the process much easier.

I would typically recommend this to the creative, entrepreneurial person. It may seem daunting at first, but if you’ve got something to offer (a product – physical or digital), you can definitely make huge income with this.

ii- Income Blogging

Ah yes, of course. I’m blogging myself! Having run an e-commerce store in the past, I’m actually inclined to say that blogging is easier to start, but harder to stick with. However, it can make serious income if done right and given enough time.

Despite this, blogging definitely has advantages over e-commerce. One thing is – you don’t have to have a product of your own to sell (although that is where the big bucks do start rolling in).

Most of all, the greatest advantage blogging has over e-commerce is the sheer ability to build a brand and expand.

Think about it… Blogging can very easily lead to e-commerce with a built up brand. On the contrary, starting off with e-commerce is really tough.

Naturally, this means that blogging and E commerce go hand-in-hand.

I would undoubtedly recommend E commerce to any bloggers out there, and blogging to any e-commerce entrepreneurs!

(Hmm… Maybe I’m hinting at something here.)

iii- Affiliate Marketing

Another great side hustle. Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to make serious income online. The process is pretty simple, you’re really just trying to sell people stuff!

The twist, however, is that they’re not your products! You’re acting as the middleman between the manufacturer and the customer. So, in other words, your a salesman (sales person – whateva!)

Your main role as an affiliate is to promote products to potential customers. You’re essentially advertising, and getting paid a commission on each sale you lead to! (There are actually a few different commission structures, but cost-per-action(sale) is the most common.)

Affiliate marketing can make incredible income. It’s an unbelievably great side hustle. Despite this, the downside is that it takes a while to ramp up. Similarly to e-commerce, you’ve got to build yourself as an authority figure in the niche you’re selling to.

Really, what your job as an affiliate is boils down to this:

Search for the products your audience needs, vet them, and then present them.

There’s obviously more to it than that, but that’s the gist of it. There are a few ways you can go about affiliate marketing, but the most common are email marketing and blogging. That’s right, blogging!

Notice anything odd about it? Blogging is connected to both other types of side hustles. Whatever it is you do, I would recommend taking up blogging! Even if you can only write once a week, it’s worth it.

There’s a six part series right here on the Blog to help get you started.

3. Real Estate

Possibly my favorite investment, (rental) real estate holds tons of advantages over other investments. Whether it relates to taxes or wealth generation. Renting out properties is a great way to receive substantial passive income every month. Some of the numerous advantages surrounding real estate include tax benefits and the ability to use massive leverage with debt and purchase higher income properties. In addition to regular appreciation, having tenants pay down your loan is a great way to build equity.

Among the three investments, real estate takes the most work up front since it’s necessary to set up the appropriate systems to render everything passive and each purchase or sale takes a good bit of analysis.

Overall, keep in mind that it’s always great to have multiple revenue streams, there are many more ideas out there. It doesn’t really matter what you do, but how well you do it.

With the internet especially, you can monetize almost anything.

3 Simple Steps to Become Your Own Boss and Earn Your Success TODAY! 

We’ve all been there… The boss seems to hate you (and everyone else), you’re working harder than ever and you’re getting paid what is seemingly just enough to get by… Believe me, I know exactly how you feel, because I’ve been there. It always seems like real success is just so far away… There’s a real issue when it comes to our society in that we have evolved, but jobs have not.

The simple and yet hard to grasp reality is that anyone and I mean ANYONE can work on their own, making nobody but themselves richer. It’s not “unreasonable” or “ridiculous”, unlike most would have you believe…

There exists a simple, three step process to becoming your own boss. Now I’m not going to sell you a pipe dream, but I will give you actionable steps that you can take right now.

Be warned, however, this process takes time, effort and perseverance, if you don’t have those three ingredients, and you’re not willing to obtain them, then you might as well stop reading here, this isn’t for you.

So you know you’ve got what it takes, you’re willing to commit your being into becoming financially free and successful, great! Before we dive right into the process, it’s important to make things clear, this process can apply to any online venture, the steps may sound vague but I promise you, if you follow them at your highest ability, you WILL be successful.

Now, without further ado, as promised, here’s the process:

Unlearn Everything Society Taught You About Money and Success

This one’s probably the hardest step to take on, the reality is that there’s no easy way to do this. As human beings, we’ve all been taught to believe that money is a magical, sacred and sparse resource.

We’ve been told that you have to exchange your time for it, therefore we’ve got to save it…

If you want to become successful, it is essential to erase this from your memory, get rid of these thoughts that money has to exclusively be saved and that the absolute best way to make money is by exchanging your time for it… Trust me, your time is more valuable than that. PASSIVE INCOME is KEY.

Get Into the Right Mindset

Now that you’ve unlearned everything that society’s drilled into you, it’s time to fill that void with real, legitimate information. This is the step that will get you in the right mindset. I’ll be giving you serious, actionable steps right here, right now. So, if you haven’t done this already, sign up to unlock the freebie vault and there you will find “Ten Mindsets of The Worlds Wealthiest” ( along with some other awesome stuff). You’ll get exclusive content delivered straight to your inbox.

Free ebook - The ten mindsets of the Worlds Wealthiest people - Spendaholics Anonymous

10 Mindsets of the Worlds Wealthiest people

Next, I want you to just keep reading and reading! Never, EVER stop learning. It’s part of your genetic programming after all. Getting into the right mindset, or paradigm, is essential to living your dream life.

It may seem difficult at times (it is), but it’s worth it.


Knowing the right information is great… But it’s just as useless as the wrong information if you don’t put it to use. Now’s the time.

You’ve proven that you’ve got what it takes. You’ve read and studied what you needed to learn.  Now, commit!!

Whether you choose to make an affiliate marketing business, to sell your products online, or to become a freelancer. You NEED to commit to it. Commit your whole, entire being to it and focus every. Single. Day. Take the first step towards your success and rest easy knowing you’re well on the path to success.

Now you’re probably asking where to start, well, you’ve got to…

..Take the First Step!

The Fear of Spending Money: The Reason So Many Are NOT RICH!

Society today is, quite frankly, outdated. At least when it comes to money, spending it, saving it, investing it… You see where I’m going with this. 

How Society Breaks It Down

Education, education, education. This is where the problem is. Not to diminish the value of obtaining a high-level education, but concepts surrounding money are not nearly taught with enough importance.

There’s a very real and serious problem here, I would argue that it may be many times more essential to know what to do with your money over knowing how to get a job. It is incredibly important for all of us to understand how to effectively invest our money, because whether we like it or not, money sitting in a bank is, and always will be losing value.

What We Can Do About It

Learn, learn, learn. In reality that’s all there is too it. If we take the time to learn how to efficiently invest both our money and our time, success is surely a step closer.

However, this statement is obviously nuanced, as it is not clear as to what exactly we should learn.

That’s because it’s not specific in the first place. There are tons of ways to invest money, not just “paper” (Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other financial instruments).

Without a shadow of a doubt, the absolute most lucrative investment is one placed in yourself. Invest in your own knowledge, take the risks you’ve always wanted to. (Of course, be wise)

The reality of the situation is quite sad, the value of financial education is extremely underrated. It is an absolute necessity, and yet, unless you specialize in a finance or business-related field, you will likely never encounter this topic in today’s educational system.

Here’s my ten cents worth:-

#1 Get help. It’s hard to go at it alone, especially when you have so little time. So find someone who has done what you want to do, and follow their lead. You’ll get results faster and you’ll make fewer mistakes.  

#2 Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. If you want out of your job and you want to make six figures or more ASAP, don’t try to invent the next big product. You can do that later, if you like.




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