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Master your Money, today!
If you’ve ever been in debt or just felt like you needed a little room to breathe then chances are you are not the master of your money. Money is YOUR master.
That relationship is toxic and it needs to stop.
So, what do you need to be able to Master Your Money?
Glad you asked. First of all you need to understand your debt. What is it? Where did it all come from? What motivated you to build it? Who do you owe? How much do you owe? Are you heading for a world of hurt and need a way out?
Are you able to change the way you think about money without help? Can you build a SMART plan, a budget, a strategy to get out of debt, assess your family’s finances, manage what money you do have coming in, save more and make more?
Chances are you answered No to at least some of these questions.
It all seems overwhelming when you look at it laid out like this, doesn’t it?
So – I have a plan. A plan to help you. I don’t need it – like I’ve said before…Been there, Done that!
You’re here to learn What Not to Do from me, right?
Each question I asked above needs looking at in detail, as a stand alone project. Now, you’re going to say “But, I just don’t have the time to do this”, and I hear ya. I’m working two jobs again now and blogging on the side. I get it. Time is precious and, you’re exhausted. On top of that you’re probably SO DONE that you may be close to giving up! Like I said, I have a plan! Stay with me.
Building budgets that don’t suck!
Budgets can be tricky things. You can build them full of hope and enthusiasm with no clue if you can stick to them. You can build them rigidly and suck your very soul from your body, dying a little more with each frugal measure you add to each new line (too much?) 🙂
Here’s what I have for you to succeed at budgeting:-
Interested? That’s just the tip of the iceberg and budgeting alone won’t fix your problems. Let’s look at what’s next.
Defeating Debt.
This is the next stage in breaking free; so you can actually start living a full life again. Not as easy as it sounds? I know. I was $88,000 in consumer debt when I lost my job. Don’t believe me? You might like to read Life After Debt.
Here’s another link to my book – the story of how we managed to go from a six figure income to the poverty line, and the road back again.
So, how will you succeed? By using these….
There’s something here to help everyone.
Take control of your family’s finances.
You may be planning to buy a home or are expecting the arrival of a new baby. How will you make this work? You will make this work by taking control of your family’s finances and you will do it like this:-
Communication is key. You can’t do this alone so get everyone on board and involved.
Just in case you are expecting another mouth to feed (or in this case TWINS!) take a look at how my fellow blogger Amanda is becoming financially prepared. MandaMorgan.com
Increasing your Income.
If it were that easy we’d all be doing it right? You’re right. I am! Most people do not realize the untapped potential wealth staring at them in the face. They may be unaware that companies will pay you for the stupedest (I know, not a word) stuff. Like – What’s in your fridge? A company will send you a bar code scanner and pay you to tell them what you purchase. Do you know there are collectors out there that want Currency with “fancy” serial codes on them?
How else can you glean a little extra?
Do you see point # 6? Learn how to Self Publish your book. You did? Good.
Did you see my link to my self published book further up the page? Also yes. Excellent!
Why am I laboring this point? HOW do you think I did it? I got help…like this help. I’m a HUGE believer in Practice What You Preach!
Managing your money.
From fixing your finances to managing your money. You now need the tools to plan your financial freedom.
Can you differentiate between long term and short term goals? Are you able to take control and build a solid financial future? Do you want help “Keeping it Real”?
You need access to these…
Saving Money.
Again – not as easy as it sounds but, do you like a challenge? Can you follow guidelines aimed at creating those savings and then can you put them to good use (No – not more shoes!)
Money Mindset.
None of this works if you maintain you (same) disdainful relationship with money that you’ve always had. You need to learn how to control your emotions around money and start to think like a wealthy person would. You don’t do this already because you don’t know how. That’s what this part of the bundle will focus upon.
Your plan for a prosperous future.
Phew! This really is the FULL MEAL DEAL.
Sounds great, right, but I haven’t told you HOW YOU’RE GOING TO GET ALL OF THESE RESOURCES and that’s the beauty of saving the best for last.
Everything I have written about here has been bundled and packaged and is ready for you to access for the next SIX DAYS ONLY.
You want to know the catch? OK – it’s over $1280 in value and it will cost you….. $37. That’s not a typo people.
Every Single Thing listed (plus an early bird bonus if you purchase in the first two days) can be yours instantly for a mere $37.
I don’t know about you but I wish this had been around when I needed it back in 2016. I would have bought The Master Your Money Super Bundle for everyone I know.
So – Do you want IN? Press the button! Time’s a wasting.
This has lots of good information about getting out of debt. Lots of resources too.
Thanks Susan,
Like I say – been there, done that…no-one else needs to go!!
I am trying to download the Debt Workbook but having trouble. It takes me to “dropbox” but I am not sure what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve sent a direct link to the PDF for you. I do apologize for this issue. I use dropbox for my storage solution. Let me know if you have any issues At All!
I just love the name of your blog! Thanks for the useful information and resources.