Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase .
So, you need a way to make more money?
Have you been searching the internet for a way to make more money? Maybe Make Money Online or Make Money from Home? What about Make Money Fast?
There are many ways to accomplish this mission and some seem ludicrously easy (those get-rich-quick schemes are the scams people) and others seem like they might work but will take some time and effort… those are The Winners Baby!
Let’s just say you have found a way to create that extra income you’ve been needing. What then? Do you just run out and expand your lifestyle to encompass all that extra cash OR are you going to finally break free from working your 9 – 5 and rebuild your relationship with money until you can also become “One of The Wealthy”?
From our earliest school days we are not taught anything about money, except how to count it, make change while doing your job and that you must work hard for it.
This is the reason so many of today’s society are poor. They have absolutely no idea on how to have a healthy relationship with money!
“I am concerned that too many people are focused too much on money and not on their greatest wealth, which is their education. If people are prepared to be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, they will grow richer and richer through the changes. If they think money will solve the problems, I am afraid those people will have a rough ride. Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.”
― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Imagine if you had been educated at school to understand how money works and make it work for you. What about learning about the stock markets and investing? How about buying property for assets? Makes much more sense and is no more boring than Algebra!

There’s always a way to make more money
What I’ve come to know is this: those who attain true levels of wealth have actually been taught (or have learned) to have a completely different mindset to the rest of us average Joe’s.
“I find so many people struggling, often working harder, simply because they cling to old ideas. They want things to be the way they were; they resist change. I know people who are losing their jobs or their houses, and they blame technology or the economy or their boss. Sadly they fail to realize that they might be the problem. Old ideas are their biggest liability. It is a liability simply because they fail to realize that while that idea or way of doing something was an asset yesterday, yesterday is gone.”
― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad
What if the Old Ideas, the ones that you are so stubbornly clinging to, are the reason why you will NEVER be FREE?
Let that Sink in for a minute.
You are the problem and the way you think about money is the issue.
Many very wealthy men have written tons about the subject of wealth but .. that’s a lot of reading. What if I can give you a free synopsis (18 pages) that will actually reset your thinking to be more in line with how the likes of Warren Buffet and Mark Zuckerberg think?
No Catch. Sounds interesting – ok… it’s yours.
Here’s the download link. Click it and read.. or Don’t.
Either way – eventually you will have to smarten up and go out there and do your own research as to why you can’t seem to get a break or why you’re earning six figures and are still drowning in debt. I know that sounds crazy but this was me two years ago. We earned over $135,000 a year and had $88,000 of consumer Debt.
Did you know that 78% of people state they are living paycheque to paycheque? Or that 10% of six figure earners say they can’t make ends meet? I was one of those people.
We couldn’t crush our debt until we changed our relationship with money. We wouldn’t be able to work from home now if we hadn’t done those two things. Our change started with just one Facebook post which led to reading just one book which snowballed to where I am today. It’s Monday morning and I’m sat at my kitchen counter with a lovely coffee, talking to you. I had no alarm clock to wake me. I’m still in my PJ’s (ok – it’s still early!). The mortgage is getting paid, the kids attend private school (well – not right now because it’s summer). College is paid for and they won’t go for another year (#1 child) and 3 years (#2 child)… if they go at all!
It can be done. Remember.. Jan 2016 my husband and I lost our six figure income jobs and were almost $100,000 in debt. It’s July 2018 and I work three days a week.. Hubby is fully retired and heading out with his camera now to take some pictures.. of trees n stuff.
I also wrote a book about it!
Options to consider in making more money.
A Raise?
I am assuming you work and can’t justify a raise, although this might be your first best option. Think it through and use expert help from Career coaches..>>Get the Raise you Deserve.
Pinterest Marketing.
Next up – Make money on Pinterest. I recently discovered that You Do Not Need A Blog to make money on Pinterest. What you do need is an affiliate program like ShopStyle Collective and a Business Pinterest Account. Both are free.
Whilst browsing the gorgeous looks, accessories and apparel there is an option to upload straight to Pinterest; to any board you have created, bypassing the need for a blog and, subject to your pining skills, helping wannabe fashion diva’s access ALL THE THINGS! Build a following and get paid per Click or upgrade to a CPA account and get paid commissions on each purchase.
Affiliate Marketing.
This works best with a blog site and an email list. As you will see from this post I am using Affiliate marketing, Pinterest, Facebook and paid advertising. Making money using affiliate links takes time as you have to build relationships and build up trust with your readers. They need to know that you’re not going to fill their inbox with super pushy sales stuff.
For my affiliate marketing I try to recommend products I have or use (like the books below).
I’d like to leave you with a couple more ideas for interesting reading. These books started me down this path to living a self fulfilled life. I am including my affiliate links here ~ means I make a little (tiny) bit of money if you purchase the book but costs you nothing extra.
TIP – if you are thinking of purchasing a book – set up an Ebates account first. Get a cash back for purchasing something you were going to buy anyway. Extra discount for zero effort.
Don’t forget to take a look at my book – Spendaholics Anonymous: Our journey from Six Figures to The Poverty Line…and the road back.
I agree with you completely about that our relationship with money should be different and that in schools we aren´t thought about financial management.
I´m changing my mindset about earning money also. Every day is better and better.
Thanks for sharing books which helped you.
I liked your blog about Himalayan salt lamps, I have them at my home too and I was surprised, when I find out, that they are eatable:)
Hi Anna,
A very inspiring post! I have learned to find new ways to save rather than spend and am enjoying every minute of it.
I notice that tithing brings a blessing on money left remaining in your pockets and accounts. Also what goes around comes around.
We have to obey the natural financial laws of sowing to reap a rich harvest. Help enough people solve their problems and our own financial ones will be solved.
Also I am learning to keep my credit cards at home when I go out to prevent unnecessary spending.
You have written some interesting tips in your article which I enjoyed.
Thank you for sharing!